The latest episode of “Lost” … lost sockeye that is…

In the spirit of ridiculous media articles () and rants of pre-eminent scientists suggesting we should be hammering the crap out of the large and surprising Fraser sockeye run this year (e.g. harvest 80-90%)– I had to return to the drawing board.

This is the quote from Gary Mason’s Globe and Mail article that has me so inpsired:

B.C. fishermen probably should have harvested about 80 to 90 per cent of the current 30-million-plus salmon run. Yet, because of the DFO’s reluctance to open the fishery until it could verify the run size, 10 million fish are estimated to have been lost.

Rather then send out a search party to find the “lost” sockeye maybe this will assist.

First we need a map… here’s a sketch map of the Fraser watershed:

Fraser watershed sketch map

Hilighted in blue is the community of Williams Lake roughly the half-way point of the Fraser River between source and sea.

And just last week, 1 of Mason’s 10 million lost sockeye was sighted:

"Lost" sockeye finding its way


The whole suggestion is absurd — here’s the new view of “ecosystem-based management” purported by the “over-escapement” pundits…

by the way that's a racoon and a bird of prey...

Apologies… as mentioned in caption… that’s supposed to be a racoon, or martin, or mink, or ermine, or rat, or lynx, or other small critter. And, initially that was supposed to be an eagle… I think you know what the big fella is… (at least I hope).

_ _ _ _

Now come on folks, this is utterly ridiculous. About as ridiculous as my ability to draw a small critter or bear or bird for that fact…

Salmon that swim upstream are not “lost”… get a grip.

I can see it now at the next Cohen Commission public session; someone will ask DFO to give this presentation:

in someone's silly dream world...

2 thoughts on “The latest episode of “Lost” … lost sockeye that is…

  1. yuhina

    great post! SG
    love the drawing too! : )

  2. salmon guy Post author

    thanks a lot. love some of the photos on your site. Several years ago I did a couple of fly-fishing pilgrimages to Montana (most likely spurred by “A River Runs through it”. Fished the Madison, Yellowstone, and others. One of my favorites was the Big Hole River in areas around Dillon (if I remember correctly). Had a local share some directions for some hike-in lakes that were also pretty spectacular.

    would like to do it again in the future.

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