The Cohen Commission into the decline of Fraser River sockeye — the “public” inquiry — has some new information on the website. A “” page.
On the public submissions page it suggests that the public is “welcome” to submit material to the Commission. However, remain aware that it “may” be considered. Submissions must be relevant – and… “Submissions that are not relevant, or are otherwise inappropriate, may not be considered.”
Submissions received by the commission are summarized and may be posted to the commission’s website along with the author’s name, city and the date that the submission was made. The information provided may be used by the Commissioner in the inquiry and may be included in the commission’s reports.
I’m sure feeling motivated now to spend more time on preparing material that May be considered. Good thing there is a team of nine lawyers on the file. Nine lawyers with varying levels of salmon knowledge – and yet I still see no First Nations representation. Apparently scientific technical support has been hired – but no word of that on the website.
What a curious “public” inquiry…